•   CSW Alert #71   •    Sunday, October 16, 2016

CSW Film Night on Thursday, October 27 at 6:00 pm

Film: GeoEngineering: Polar Vortex — Ice Nucleation 101


GeoEngineering – the deliberate, large-scale manipulation of the earth's climate to offset global warming – is a nightmare fix for climate change. ——— Once we start deliberately messing with the climate systems, we could inadvertently shift rainfall patterns (climate models have shown that rainfall in the Amazon might be particularly vulnerable), causing collapse of ecosystems, drought, famine, and more.
    — Jeff Goodell – American Author



GeoEngineering: Polar Vortex — Ice Nucleation 101

CSW Film Night at the Holistic Water Store presents one short video on Thursday, October 27, 2016 at 6:00 pm. The address is 1350 Mangrove Ave. #150 (between 3rd and 5th Streets).

Join us to watch the 15-minute film "GeoEngineering: Polar Vortex — Ice Nucleation 101".

"The climate engineers have an endless array of weather scenarios to create havoc, destruction, and death," says Dane Wigington. Most of us who are aware are familiar with extensive droughts (we are living in one) as well as deluge and flooding brought on by the climate engineers.

But there is another, less well-known, form of weather warfare: chemically ice nucleated winter storms. This sounds preposterous but is, in fact, a primary tool of the GeoEngineers. This film night we will explore in detail how this tool works via a 15-minute video. We will also investigate the mass die-offs of cattle, reindeer, and alpacas as a result of ice nucleation by looking at two articles written by Dane.

There is no natural weather anymore and the poisoning of the planet continues. We all need to get active quickly. Come to the meeting and bring a friend. Help sound the alarm on the climate change assault.

A discussion will follow the films including ways to protect ourselves from the environmental assault.

Link to the poster PDF file



Getting the Word Out

• We have renewed our underwriting contract with KZFR where our ad is read around 22 times each month. The cost to us is $80/month. Any donations you can give are much appreciated. You can donate via PayPal or Credit/Debit Card on our website, at our meetings, or at our Farmers' Market table when the weather is temperate.

• Planning to do a billboard is in the works. We are looking for a local non-profit group to take us under their wing so we can purchase billboard space at an affordable price. We approached BEC (Butte Environmental Council) but they have decided not to take on any Fiscal Sponsorships at this time. Maybe Chico Peace & Justice??? If you have ideas, please let us know.



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View Printable Alert View w/o Visible Links — An Aerosol Spraying & GeoEngineering Awareness and Action Group

Chico Sky Watch is a Grassroots, Not-for-profit Aerosol Spraying & GeoEngineering Awareness and Action Group.
Chico Sky Watch is combating the SSAGtrail / GAStrail ("Chemtrail") attack on the citizens of Chico and the world. You are being sprayed with aluminum (nano-) particles and other toxic metals and chemicals, as well as possible biological agents.
Look to the skies for the obvious evidence.
What you see in our once-blue skies are NOT jet "contrails". (or so-called "persistent contrails")
Join us in our fight!

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Contact us if you have questions or comments.

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