View Alerts Online   •   CSW Alert #12   •    Sunday, April 28, 2013

Butte County Local Hazard Mitigation Plan Meetings

Attendees for CSW Presence Needed

We need as many people as possible to attend BOTH of the Butte County Board of Supervisors meetings regarding the Local Hazard Mitigation Plan. One meeting is Monday in Chico, and the other is Tuesday in Oroville. (at 5:30 pm, for CSW people) If you are able to speak publicly in front of the meeting, we can educate the Board of Supervisors and other people about SSAGtrails and GeoEngineering.

We should have our new flyers tomorrow, so we can stand outside and hand them out to other attendees and give one to the supervisors and others attending the meeting.

The public meeting is for Butte County residents and other "stakeholders", who will have a chance to express their thoughts and concerns about potential natural and man-caused hazards in the pair of upcoming public meetings.

Description: Butte County residents and interested stakeholders are encouraged to attend one of two public meetings to review, comment, and learn about the Local Hazard Mitigation Plan (LHMP). In collaboration with Butte County, incorporated cities and two water districts are updating LHMP. The purpose of this LHMP update is to assess local risk to natural and significant man-made hazards, implement actions through mitigation measures to reduce future losses, and maintain eligibility for federal mitigation funds in accordance with the Disaster Mitigation Act of 2000. FEMA defines mitigation as any sustained action taken to reduce or eliminate the long-term risk to human life and property from hazards.

Two public meetings (both covering the same information) on the draft plan will be held: (we should be there at 5:30!)
Monday, April 29, 2013 from 6:00 – 7:30 pm
Chico Veterans Memorial Hall
554 Rio Lindo Avenue, Chico
Map Link
Tuesday, April 30, 2013 from 6:00 – 7:30 pm
Butte County Board of Supervisors Chambers
25 County Center Drive, Oroville
Map Link

For more information visit the page at the Butte County website:  
Office of Emergency Mgmt/Local Hazard Mitigation Plan
You can find the PDF documents below at their website, or here if you are having problems viewing or downloading them there.
Press Release

Thank you for your support. We hope to see you at the meetings. Please spread the word.


View Printable Alert — An Aerosol Spraying & GeoEngineering Awareness and Action Group

Chico Sky Watch is a Grasroots, Not-for-profit Aerosol Spraying & GeoEngineering Awareness and Action Group.
Chico Sky Watch is combating the "Chemtrail" attack on the citizens of Chico and the world. You are being sprayed with aluminum (nano-) particles and other toxic metals and chemicals, as well as possible biological agents.
Look to the skies for the obvious evidence.
What you see are NOT jet "contrails". (or so-called "persistent contrails")
Join us in our fight!

Learn more about us.       Contact us if you have questions or comments.

Please forward and distribute widely!   Thank you.

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