View Alerts Online   •   CSW Alert #60   •    Monday, December 7, 2015

Marching and Rallying and Educating

Climate Rally on Saturday, Dec. 12, 2015 at 12:00 noon


Start by doing what's necessary; then do what's possible; and suddenly you are doing the impossible.
    — Francis of Assisi



A Whole Lotta Supporting Going On.

Chico Sky Watch had a presence at the local march and rally on Saturday, Nov. 28, 2015. Along with and after tabling at the downtown Farmers' Market, CSW supporters joined Dane Wigington and dedicated supporters down from the Redding area at Chico's downtown Park-Plaza to hold signs. Together they enjoyed educating both the public and supporters about GeoEngineering Aerosol Spraying. (GAStrails) Click the photo above to see other photos on the Facebook Group page.
(Photo Credit & Thanks: Cindy Romain)



BEC Event: Chico Climate Rally 2015.

The Butte Environmental Council (partnering with new local non-profit Chico 350 – is hosting a city-wide climate change rally on Saturday 12/12 @ 12 pm at the downtown Park-Plaza. Chico Sky Watch will have our table there with literature. We need lots of CSW supporters to be at the rally holding a sign and passing out flyers. We hope to open some eyes of those who are focusing exclusively on CO2 as a greenhouse gas ( while ignoring the weather modifying, toxic fall-out-producing, ozone-shredding nature of the GeoEngineering Aerosol Spraying programs. Let's be there en masse this Saturday!



If you haven't joined and are not visiting BOTH Facebook pages, and/or if you are not on our e-mail list, you are missing out.
Group page:
Facebook page:



NOTE: Meetings will no longer necessarily be on the second Tuesday of each month, or from 6:30 to 9:30, so please pay attention to the dates and times shown below. Meetings tend to be from 1 hour to 2 hours in length, depending on various factors.
We have reserved the Meeting Room at the Chico branch of the Butte County public library for discussion and showing films on the following evenings. Please make a note on your calendar or scheduler.
    • Wednesday,   January 6 – 6:00 pm
    • Wednesday,   February 24 – 6:00 pm


View Printable Alert — An Aerosol Spraying & GeoEngineering Awareness and Action Group

Chico Sky Watch is a Grassroots, Not-for-profit Aerosol Spraying & GeoEngineering Awareness and Action Group.
Chico Sky Watch is combating the SSAGtrail / GAStrail ("Chemtrail") attack on the citizens of Chico and the world. You are being sprayed with aluminum (nano-) particles and other toxic metals and chemicals, as well as possible biological agents.
Look to the skies for the obvious evidence.
What you see in our once-blue skies are NOT jet "contrails". (or so-called "persistent contrails")
Join us in our fight!

Learn more about us.
Contact us if you have questions or comments.

Please forward and distribute widely!   Thank you.

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