View Alerts Online   •   CSW Alert #59   •    Tuesday, November 24, 2015

December Meeting is Tuesday 1st at 6:30 pm

Plus 3 Extra Items Noted Below


That's Not My Job! This is a story about four people named: Everybody, Somebody, Anybody, and Nobody. There was an important job to be done and Everybody was sure that Somebody would do it. Anybody could have done it, but Nobody did it. Somebody got angry about that, because it was Everybody's job. Everybody thought Anybody could do it, but Nobody realized that Everybody wouldn't do it. It ended up that Everybody blamed Somebody when Nobody did what Anybody could have done.
    — Anonymous



Next Monthly Meeting is Tuesday, November 1st at 6:30 pm.

We are a GeoEngineering awareness and ACTION group. Over the past 5 years we have carried out many activities: created a website, a Facebook page and Facebook Group page, and an e-mail list, designed and printed out a tri-fold brochure, showed four films at The Pageant Theatre, held four awareness Street Rallies, sent a delegation to the 2012 Consciousness Beyond Chemtrails Conference in L.A., maintained a presence at the Saturday Farmers' Market for outreach and leafletting, met with the Mayor of Chico and a county Supervisor, have given multiple presentations to classes at CSUC, and hold monthly meetings at the Butte County Public Library.

We currently have some new ideas for increasing community awareness for discussion at the December meeting. We'll be brainstorming ways that people can plug into helping so bring your favorite ideas to share.

Please join us for the next Chico Sky Watch meeting on Tuesday, December 1 at 6:30 p.m. in the Chico branch of the Butte County Library at 1108 Sherman Ave. corner of First Ave.

Learn the facts about what's going on over our heads and what you can do to help stop the toxification of the planet.



New, Local Petition.

Betty, Cindy and Marla gathered ideas from other petitions and hammered out one for Chico Sky Watch to circulate. You can sign it at our table at the Saturday Farmers' Market. (and hopefully other locations) Look for us on the Flume Street (east) side near the balloon man. You can also take a sheet and give your friends an opportunity to sign. Below is the text of the petition.


We, the undersigned, are requesting U.S. Congresspersons, Senators, and other local, state, and world government employees to disclose the information about the ongoing geoengineering and HAARP* activity that is taking place without the consent of the population. As citizens of the U.S. we expect our government officials to represent us, address our valid concerns, and we demand they take action to terminate such environmentally risky programs. These programs are having a severe impact, both short and long term on the health of our population.

The results of rainwater tests, soil sample tests, and standing water tests that have been done in various areas of the world are all showing alarmingly high levels of aluminum, barium, strontium, and other harmful substances. The heavy metal test results are a match with existing patents for Stratospheric Aerosol Geoengineering. These heavy metals remain in our atmosphere and are falling upon our soil, water, and food supply. We are inhaling nano-sized heavy metal particulates on an ongoing basis. These toxic metals which are too small to be filtered out are being absorbed by our bodies, those of our pets, livestock and our produce. Most notably, it is causing long term air pollution, resulting in severe respiratory and neurodegenerative diseases in our population, especially among those people most vulnerable.

The aerosolized metals being sprayed from jet aircraft are causing irreversible and devastating damage to our ecosystems. Once nano-aluminum particles enter the ecosystem they can never be removed.

We demand that the United States disclose its role in geoengineering and HAARP and IMMEDIATELY TERMINATE these programs for the sake of our children and future generations.

*HAARP, High-frequency Active Auroral Research Program
An array of electromagnetic antennas which focus a beam up into the ionosphere at super high temperatures to manipulate the jet stream and control weather systems around the world. The aerosol spraying of our skies turns our atmosphere into a plasma which can easily conduct these electronic pulses.



California for Natural Skies Event 2016.

    Announcing a 2016 Event:
   · California for Natural Skies
   · Wednesday, January 13, 2016
   · North Steps of the Capitol
   · in Sacramento
   · from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.

From Lisa Thomas ( Sierra Nevada GeoEngineering Awareness) — We are lining up speakers presently and there will be two vocalists who will be singing about ongoing geoengineering. There will be a table where people can find an existing geoengineering awareness group and join forces, or information will be available about how to get an organization going in your geographic area. We will also be dividing into groups by district to visit our legislators to distribute information and encourage sponsorship of an anti-geoengineering bill. IT HAS NEVER BEEN MORE IMPORTANT TO SHOW UP THAN IT IS NOW. Our trees are dying, our state needs water, and our planet and children need YOU.



New, Local Infosheet.

This 8.5" x 11" infosheet is based on the claims and report by Former FBI Chief, Ted Gunderson, and is titled Former FBI Chief Warns Against "Death Dumps". You can view, or download the PDF document to print, or take to Mr. Kopy for better printing and to save printer ink, or you can pick one up at the Saturday Farmers' Market tabling table on most non-raining Saturdays. (donations to cover media costs strongly encouraged or required – they cost about $0.80 each) The infosheet is based on an existing web image (author unknown), but cleaned up, re-created and enhanced, branding it for Chico Sky Watch.



If you haven't joined and are not visiting our Facebook pages, and/or if you are not on our e-mail list, you are missing out.
Group page:
Facebook page:



NOTE: Meetings will no longer necessarily be on the second Tuesday of each month, or from 6:30 to 9:30, so please pay attention to the dates and times shown below. Meetings tend to be from 1 hour to 2 hours in length, depending on various factors.
We have reserved the Meeting Room at the Chico branch of the Butte County public library for discussion and showing films on the following evenings. Please make a note on your calendar or scheduler.
    • Wednesday,   January 6 – 6:00 pm
    • Wednesday,   February 24 – 6:00 pm


View Printable Alert — An Aerosol Spraying & GeoEngineering Awareness and Action Group

Chico Sky Watch is a Grassroots, Not-for-profit Aerosol Spraying & GeoEngineering Awareness and Action Group.
Chico Sky Watch is combating the SSAGtrail / GAStrail ("Chemtrail") attack on the citizens of Chico and the world. You are being sprayed with aluminum (nano-) particles and other toxic metals and chemicals, as well as possible biological agents.
Look to the skies for the obvious evidence.
What you see in our once-blue skies are NOT jet "contrails". (or so-called "persistent contrails")
Join us in our fight!

Learn more about us.
Contact us if you have questions or comments.

Please forward and distribute widely!   Thank you.

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